Uquid BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY 3rd’s AMA recap: Shop to Earn and Maximize Savings with Crypto in Web3 shopping

28 min readNov 24, 2023


With this topic, we can discuss the benefits users can enjoy when using cryptocurrencies for online shopping, including security, convenience, and international accessibility.

The host will also incorporate information about Black Friday Deals and the convenience of payment in this campaign.

Guest Speakers: Representatives from Uquid, Ontology, Fox Wallet, Relation Labs, Flux

Uquid BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY 3rd’s AMA recap: Shop to Earn and Maximize Savings with Crypto in Web3 shopping

Key points to take away

Part 1: Introduction

Host: Hannah from Uquid’s marketing team.

Focus: Blockchain’s impact on shopping, especially for Black Friday.

Special Offer: 30% discount vouchers for engaging questions.

Part 2: Guest Speaker Introductions

Guests: Representatives from Uquid, Ontology, Flux, Fox Wallet, Relation Labs.

1. Hannah from Uquid

Role: Host and member of Uquid’s marketing team.

Introduction: Presented Uquid’s Alpha Mobile top-up service, emphasizing its global reach and impact on enhancing the mobile top-up experience in the Web 3.0 era.

Focus: The role of blockchain in revolutionizing shopping and the significance of Black Friday discounts.

2. Claire from Ontology

Position: Leads growth at Ontology.

Background: Experience in NFTs, DeFi, and recently joined Ontology.

Ontology’s Focus: Highlighted Ontology’s work in liquid staking and decentralized identity, expressing excitement about connecting with the audience.

3. Richard from Flux

Role: Flux Labs Manager, overseeing Flux incubation projects and partnerships.

Flux’s Services: Described Flux as a Web 3 hosting provider comparable to AWS, with a focus on decentralizing commerce using technologies like WordPress.

4. Natalie from Fox Wallet

Position: Business Developer at Fox Wallet.

Experience: Two years in the Web3 space, growing alongside Fox Wallet since its inception.

Collaborations: Mentioned previous collaborations with Uquid and involvement in related projects.

5. Kurt from Relation Labs

Title: Head of Community at Relation.

Relation’s Mission: Building a Decentralized Social Protocol for Web3, integrating social aspects into e-commerce.

Collaboration with Uquid: Discussed past partnerships with Uquid and future plans to integrate social elements into Web3 and Web2 shopping experiences.

6. Hinie from Uquid

Position: Member of Uquid’s Marketing Team.

Uquid’s Offerings: Described Uquid as a leading e-commerce platform with a wide selection of over 160 million products, including NFTs and digital goods.

Strategic Ambitions: Emphasized Uquid’s goal to dominate the crypto marketplace with flexible payment methods like Buy Now Pay Later, and partnerships with Fox Wallet, Ontology, Flux, and Relation Labs for enhanced transaction experiences.

Part 3: Pre-selected Questions

  • DeFi and Online Shopping

Fox Wallet (Natalie): Emphasized the benefits of self-custody in online shopping. Highlighted that Fox Wallet allows seamless shopping and control over funds, reducing unnecessary steps and enhancing user autonomy.

  • ONT Tokens and Uquid Shop (Claire from Ontology)

Discussed Ontology’s strategy to enhance crypto-commerce on platforms like Uquid. Focused on high throughput, security, and educational resources to assist users in understanding and using ONT tokens. Emphasized decentralized identity as crucial for e-commerce privacy.

  • Relation and Uquid DApp (Kurt from Relation Labs)

Explained how Relation enhances online shopping by enabling users to control their data and interact in groups with similar interests. Discussed integration of REL tokens into the payment system for a smoother shopping experience.

  • Black Friday Collaboration (Hinie from Uquid)

Uquid’s collaboration with multiple partners like Ontology, Relation Labs, Flux, Fox Wallet, and others was discussed. The aim is to use tokens as payment methods and ensure security, focusing on the Black Friday event.

  • Security in Online Shopping

Fox Wallet (Natalie): Stressed the importance of security audits and user education on security practices. Highlighted mechanisms within Fox Wallet to protect against common blockchain threats.

Flux (Richard): Discussed Flux’s approach to data security across their decentralized network. Mentioned initiatives like privatized Dockers, Sentinel NS, and bug bounties to ensure security in their cloud hosting services.

Part 4: Live Questions

Flux & Centralized Cloud Services (Richard from Flux)

Explained Flux’s decentralized infrastructure, highlighting its distributed network of personal computers. Emphasized the resilience and redundancy of their network compared to centralized services like AWS.

Uquid’s Festive Season Strategies (Hinie from Uquid)

Outlined Uquid’s plans for the festive season, including Black Friday. Discussed various events, mini-games, and partnerships planned to engage the community and offer special deals.

For those who have missed this insightful and wonderful AMA, here is full version of the AMA, Enjoy reading!

Part 1: Introduction and Overview of the AMA

[Hannah — Uquid]: Hey everyone, we’re about to kick off our AMA in just 2 minutes, so make sure you join in the space! I’m Hana from the Uquid marketing team, and I’ll be your host today using the Alpha Mobile Twitter Account.

Alpha Mobile top-up is a B2B solution that provides top-up and data services for businesses in the Web 3.0 generation. Right now, we’re serving over 150 million customers globally through our partner network, enhancing their mobile top-up experience.

In today’s AMA, we’ll dive deep into some great insights with our partners. We’ll be talking about how Blockchain is revolutionizing the game and how you can save big with crypto in Web3 shopping.

Make sure you stick around till the end of this AMA. Why? Because you could be the lucky ones to snag some 30% discount vouchers for your awesome questions.

Back to our AMA today, We’re talking about engaging users, creating awesome shopping platforms, and of course, the big spotlight event — Black Friday! This is the chance you’ve been waiting for to grab your favorite stuff at jaw-dropping discounts of up to 80%. You still have nearly 10 days to join in, so don’t miss out on the chance to snag your favorite items at unbeatable prices. Get ready for an exciting shopping spree!

Part 2: Introduce all Guest Speakers

Uquid, Ontology, Flux, Fox Wallet, Relation Labs

[Hannah — Uquid]: We’ve got four awesome Guest Speakers with us today from Ontology, Flux, Fox Wallet, Relation Labs and my teammate at Uquid, of course. Time to learn a bit about these folks and their cool projects.

First up, we’ve got our speaker from Ontology.

Hi Claire! Can you give us a quick intro about yourself and spill the beans on what Ontology is all about?

[Claire — Ontology]: Great! Thanks so much for having me today, as the guys have said my name is Claire. I lead growth for Ontology, so I’ve been in the space for a number of years working everywhere between NFTs, Defi and then recently joined the Ontology team.

So i’m really excited to jump into our on token talk a lot about liquid staking and also decentralized identity so really excited um yeah to connect with everyone today thanks so much for having me.

[Hannah — Uquid]: Next, I would like to hear more about Flux and guest speakers.

[Richard — Flux]: Hi my name is Richard, I’m the Flux Labs Manager so I look after our Flux and incubation projects also supporting Partnerships and Growth.
So we’re a web 3 hosting provider , we host infrastructure like AWS and we’ve also got WordPress and other Technologies on our stack that are sort of working towards decentralizing Commerce. So that’s me.

[Hannah — Uquid]: Awesome, I think we will know more about Flux and their ambition to become the most decentralized and fastest-growing network globally.

Our next Speaker is From Fox Wallet .Welcome and waiting to hear your introduction.

[Natalie — Fox Wallet]: Hello hello, this is Natalie Business Developer from Fox wallet, super nice to see you all guys from Flux, Ontology, Relation Labs and Alpha mobile top up as well.
Thank you very much for inviting Fox Wallet here today. I’ve been on the whole #Web3 space for roughly two years and actually started my journey together with Fox wallet as it launched exactly two years ago so kind of I was growing with the team.
And right now I’m also involved with a couple of other projects related to Fox wallet and yeah we’ve worked with Uquid before many times and yeah super excited to be in this space today and talk more about our Web3 Shopping.

[Hannah — Uquid]: Next welcome speaker from Relations Labs.

[Kurt — Relation Labs]: Hi Hannah, I am Kurt the Head of Community from Relation. Thank you for inviting us and happy to be here with Ontology, Flux and Fox Wallet.
Relation is building Decentralized Social Protocol for encoding your relations in Web3 because we do believe that shopping or e-commerce can be part of our social life in fact so that’s why we partnered with Uquid for several times before and we do like to further this collaboration in different aspects of our social life no matter on Web3 or Web2

[Hannah — Uquid]: And of course, we’re waiting to hear the speaker from Uquid.

[Hinie — Uquid]: I’m Hinie from the Uquid Marketing Team. Let me give you the lowdown on what we’re all about.

Uquid is The world’s most favorite E-commerce platform with the best Shop-to-Earn experience.

We offer the biggest selection with more than 160 million products, including physical items, digital goods, and even NFTs.But Uquid doesn’t just stop at traditional retail; we’ve got a buzzing NFT marketplace and a digital store.

Uquid’s ambition is to dominate the crypto marketplace by offering the Buy Now Pay Later option to customers. Users shopping at Uquid are offered flexible and convenient payment methods including cryptocurrency, fiat, or wallets.

This is why we’ve partnered with Fox Wallet to ensure the security of all users during online shopping. Our collaborations with Ontology and Flux aim to make transactions seamless, allowing users to directly pay for their purchases with ONT or Flux tokens. Additionally, our work with Relation Labs involves integrating the Uquid DApp into Relation, enhancing the power of the Web3 shopping experience.

Above all, we’re here with all partners in this AMA to share the insights of how all cool projects are working together in Black Friday Campaign, helping you to maximize your savings in the biggest event ever.

[Hannah — Uquid]: A big thank you to all our amazing speakers for those intros. It’s been awesome getting to know your projects. Now, let’s dive into the main part of our AMA. We’re about to tackle the big question: “How does Blockchain and decentralization shape the trend of Shop — to — earn and Maximize Savings with Crypto in Web3 shopping?”

Part 3: Pre-selected Questions

[Hannah — Uquid]: We can start the first question for a speaker for Fox wallet

DeFi and Shopping Online the intersection of decentralized finance (DeFi) and online shopping, highlighting how platforms like Fox Wallet, Ontology, Flux and Relation Labs play a role in facilitating cryptocurrency transactions for online purchases.

This integration of Uquid Shop’s dApp into Fox Wallet’s Discovery Page aims to enhance the customer’s shopping experience, especially by reducing intermediary costs and saving time during the shopping process.

With a focus on self-custody technology, could you please share the benefits for users during their shopping’s journey?

[Natalie — Fox Wallet]: Sure, absolutely thank you for the question! Well let’s overall just say What is self custody right: it’s basically being the sole owner owner of your funds and maintaining control over your private keys, so it kind of like removes a lot of unnecessary steps and unnecessary actions that would be required, and basically it helps you be in control of your own funds of your own actions and of what you do so for example when it comes to shopping.

It’s pretty simple right if you have a fox wallet application, you literally go with your account that you find the discovery page for the certain ecosystem where Uquid is and you click on the h application or on the link and you can seamlessly experience it and shop.

So you’re within the Fox wallet and you’re already on,you can enjoy shopping, you can enjoy the vouchers, you can purchase things with crypto and that is totally all up to you. So there’s no centralized power or no one else that can actually see what you’re doing or kind of control you’re doing or limit yourself so that’s one of the I guess key points here is like you are the owner of everything that you have and that everything that you do at the same time.

[Hannah — Uquid]: Thank you for your perspective. We will back to Fox Wallet and discuss more about the security later

On the Uquid website, you can explore a variety of payment methods. You have the option to connect your Uquid account with Binance Pay, Gate Pay, and Crypto.com Pay to deposit supported coins. Notably, among these supported coins are ONT tokens.

So I think that the next question is for Claire.
“When using ONT tokens as the payment method on Uquid Shop, users have the opportunity to pay for items directly and securely. Could you please share the strategic plan to foster a seamless crypto-commerce experience, especially on Uquid’s platform?”

[Claire — Ontology]: Of course,thanks again for having me here today and for this insightful question. I think it’s really exciting to explore how Centralized Finance is revolutionizing the e-commerce sector. I think we actually touched on a lot of this during our recent campaign with Uquid where we look to improve user education and focus on user feedback as well.

So just a little bit of information on the ONT token for those that may not know so the ONT token serves as a primary means of storage and transfer value essentially within the Ontology Network, we also have the Ontology Wallet which means that you can store swap transfer both ONT and ONG as well. So obviously in the Ontology wallet you can keep your digital assets and identity in a single location which is I think crucial for this

But just to kind of link back quite quickly to the question at hand I think our strategy here is to definitely enhance the Crypto Commerce Experience on platforms like Uquid. It’s definitely multifaceted, I think it begins with improving infrastructure for high throughput security and also vital for Ecommerce transactions. I think with this as well you can potentially look at integrating API and also development tools for easy ONT integration alongside user-friendly wallets and seamless transactions.

Also something I think is is quite crucial here and something that we focus on a lot is the educational resources so how do we aim users in understanding and utilizing. I think with forming Partnerships like we have done with Uquid definitely going to be crucial for adoption and feedback.Connecting with the community is is key with our strategy as well and then also from growth and marketing from kind of my perspective where I focus on like providing kind of incentives to promote on usage again referencing that feedback loop from users and platforms in order for us to continuously refine our approach.

You know we can always kind of have a strategy in place but until you execute and get feedback on that data approach. I think is really crucial for platforms like ourselves and then also potentially exploring cross-chain functionalities to enhance utility while fostering I think a really interesting developer Community and then also as I touched on I think this is something that we talk about a lot with Ontology is decentralized identity right and I think it it kind of comes hand in hand when you’re talking about e-commerce platforms so the potential to keep your information to yourself and to feel more comfortable while you’re shopping.

I think we have quite a holistic approach in place that we definitely try to adapt to changes Market changes based on feedback as well but yeah ultimately we’re kind of looking to you know uh make sure that it’s uh kind of smooth kind of a smooth process using on.

[Hannah — Uquid]: Before Black Friday, we have already hosted a one month campaign with ONT to educate our community and empower them to take action in shopping platform. O, we will have a discussion with the roles of communities later with our speakers.

“Relation allows users to encode their relationships in Web3 with a high level of security and transparency. What benefits do users experience when listing Uquid Dapp on Relation while shopping online?”

[Kurt — Relation Labs]: Thanks for inviting me again and I’m happy to answer this question so first I think as ontology just mentioned if we um do the decentralized online shopping we can at least make our data controllable so that’s the basic thing and other than this I think Relation is building our own DApps Relation one is more like a aggregator of different social deps including like NFT or game or web or even social and data so in fact we can use the data recommendation feature to uh to you know like make a cloud of the users or buyers of the same interest and make them interact with each other in the group uh at the same time we can make sure their privacy so that’s one point.

Other than this I think if our users use our own DApps to use the equity that will be more efficient for them to you know transfer from different deps in their daily social life so I think that’s really a good um you know purchase experience and other than this I think if we can integrate our own token REL into the payment system there’ll be more smoother for the users to experience the online shopping. At the same time we have our own so bound token which is Fund in a semantic way so it’s more like a credentials of your own chain data or social data so maybe we can also integrate this kind of non transferable NFTs into your daily transactions as a reward or incentives so that will make our online shopping more found and yeah I think that’s another way thank

[Hannah — Uquid]: How does Uquid collaborate with multiple strategic partners to enhance the community’s shopping experience, especially in the spotlight event — Black Friday? (Sharing the role of Shop to earn and benefits for users when joining in this event)

I believe your perspective forms the foundation for our users to gain a deeper understanding of how these DeFi projects collaborate to enhance the Web3 e-commerce platform.

At Uquid, our commitment to maximizing benefits for the Web3 community and crypto enthusiasts is what inspired us to host the Black Friday event.

It serves as an initiative to boost online shopping by using tokens as payment methods while ensuring security for all users.

To turn this vision into reality, we’ve partnered with 20 leading players in the crypto and blockchain industry, which is quite a remarkable feat in the Web3 space. Not just only four partners that are sitting in the table today with us: Ontology, Relation Labs Flux or Fox Wallet we also have other partners like Polygon, exchange like Gate.io, Kyber Swap , ARPA Network, Venus Protocol, Beldex, Stable coins like USDD and TUSD, Fantom Foundation, HIVE, Nabox PixelSwap, Avalanche, Seer, Magic Square, and Token Pocket, bring their unique strengths and support to this campaign.

With Black Friday, you can discover millions of products at unbeatable discount rates, powered by our strategic partners. This is our way of expressing gratitude to our current users for their consistent support. It’s also an initiative for new users who want to explore the Shop-to-Earn model on the Uquid platform.

[Hannah — Uquid]: Security in Shopping Online: the importance of security in online shopping. Platforms like Fox Wallet and Flux Cloud were likely mentioned as examples of how blockchain technology enhances security in e-commerce transactions.

So the question for guest speakers from Fox wallet: How do platforms like a Fox Wallet ensure the security for a user when they are shopping online?

[Natalie — Fox Wallet]: I guess it’s also one of the most important points of the whole blockchain uh as well the security question and if there’s no security Nothing Else Matters. So I say one of the most important things for security is of course the security audit so every single project on the web free space or in the blockchain not it’s just supposed to but has to conduct a security audit regularly, for example we did with surgic so it’s something very important and I guess it’s it’s really worth the investment, to be honest because it gives the communities attend to see that well we invest in the security itself and we want to make sure that our code is safe and at the same time it gives a chance to the team understand like if there’s any bugs or anything that they can attend to

Another point I would say about security is again on the both sides, so every single project does has to have like a certain I don’t know documentation or a separate page on the website or on the application with the security tips and, for example we have that one on our website it’s literally called security tips so that’s where you can kind of find again tips or points on which you on which you really have to pay attention to while using a certain application using a certain website, using a certain service on an application which is super super important.

I believe no matter whether you are a very experienced user or a beginner you do have to refer to that all the time time CU because I mean unfortunately there’s still a lot of scam and there’s still a lot of things that we don’t know that we don’t understand or we might kind of like get trapped in so it’s very important to always refer to those and always be very very careful and always like, if it’s a it’s a reliable project they would always include some security tips with their users and they would always make sure that the users are well informed about all the security measures that are being taken by a certain team by certain application

And another important thing I guess all is just like I used to have kind of like I as my developers about generally like, what are the usual security kind of frauds or or let’s say hacks that can happen in the blockchain world and and they told me that there’s like let’s say three main types right so the first category is like the frauds and token airdrops which can be kind of only bought or and and not sold of for example URLs with fishing sites and their names so for example like at wallet what we do, we collect these Blacklist addresses from multiple sources of information which by the way I guess most of the projects still do and we issue like a warning when users interact with those specific addresses that are in The Blacklist, and at the same time you know we kind of also have use other more like technical strategies that intelligently identify these types of tokens

Another type is the the token approval the like basically the frauds the uses so what at Fox wallet we basically we also kind of the application itself recognizes this type when signing transactions and we also issue a warning to users and at the same time we also have the approval management Gadget, so users can view which address they have authorized and can easily withdraw their authorization which is another very important tool uh that is generally should be on the on every single wallet to be honest um yeah the approval um management and then

The third type would be just these like hash signatures on or like on NFT markets and they are also called blind signatures from what I remember so they basically make use to sell the NFTs to hackers at really low prices. So we also at Fox wallet have a special kind of warning for such hash like signatures, so I would say these are like the the most important ones so always pay attention to to warnings and I’d say still very often despite the warnings users get trapped in into these like they still jump into on the fishing websites and they still use those like links that are really like in The Black List or they they have been warned about those and they still do it so I do suggest always paying attention to that and trying to refer to only well-known and and kind of trusted agencies and trusted projects and trying to be very very overall careful and and attentive towards when you’re being warned to be honest usually there’s there’s lots of warnings that would be there and again audits as well.

[Hannah — Uquid]: Thank you so much for really interesting right not just only sharing about the security characteristic from from the Fox Wallet but also you show us the way how to secure our account when shopping online or in our website and web three

Back to Farid of Flux to hear perspective about security. As a global cloud network, Flux aims to become the most decentralized and fastest-growing network globally. Ushering in Proof of Useful Work on December 15, Can you elaborate on the specific features or advancements that this new consensus mechanism introduces, and how it addresses current challenges in the crypto space?

[Richard — Flux]: let’s split out the subject really so I think proof uses work as one subject and security is sort of part of that aspect as well. So we’ve got to secure our users data on that but we’ve got to set up our infrastructures to do that as a cloud hosting provider in the first place.
So we’ve got to look at the security of all the big data across the network so all our node operators and everybody supporting our Decentralized Network as it scales, and grows we’ve had to look at different solutions and different ways of actually making sure that people’s dat is safe not just from a perspective of fishing attacks and things like that, but the actual car infrastructure itself

So we’re doing things like privatized Dockers we’re doing like Sentinel NS which will look over the network and make sure enough nefarious is going on we’re also doing things like we do bug bounces so we get people to check our code and we we also open source a lot of our C so it can be inspected by Third parties.
We also get third parties to come in and sort of audit our processes so we can sort of say this is secure, this has been audited, this has been looked at and we go to third parties to do that but as we’re progressing in scale and we’re looking at sort of an Enterprise level.

so Flux as we grow and we scale as I say we’re looking at how can we keep our people online so when you launch on Flux you automatically get three instances so you get like three different servers so everything’s backed up and cross correlated it makes it very hard for one single SLE point of failure for an attack. That’s a key bonus for us but that’s G given us the platform to launch our proof Rie for work product which is basically taking in big data and the ability to analyze that at scale with machine learning other algorithms rendering Ai and these tools are going to be Paramount going forward looking at how we how we take all that data and look and look for incorrect data so

Another aspect we’re doing is a project called Project Mayhem which is basically analyzing data to see if it’s been AI generated, or if it’s been voice changed or different ways of attacking the network. So there’s there’s so many different aspects of security I think it probably take you about an hour to go through it all but yeah there’s a lot going on in the background
And it’s an entire team that sort of looks at that aspect and as we go farther and obviously we’re looking at WordPress as well so we’ve got WordPress and we’ve got woocommerce sites coming online we’ve got to look at the security of that product data and make sure that’s safe and fit for purpose and as we do that that’s got to be on a it’s on a decentralized network but that data and those product orders that have gone through the process and been listed and those all need to be taken account for as well and that data needs to protected because at the end of the day it’s customer data and we need to make sure that’s safe.

  • What is Flux’s plan to ensure the security of users’ big data, particularly in the context of partnering with Uquid and utilizing Flux Token as a payment method? (Flux)
  • . (Flux)
  • When shopping online, the primary concern is security. How do platforms like Fox Wallet ensure the security for users when they are shopping online? (Fox Wallet)

We already known how these cool projects are running to ensure the security for all uers in crypto world. Thank for all interesting and comprehensive per

[Hannah — Uquid]: Crypto Discounts and Rewards: Maximizing Your Savings

How to participate in Black Friday, the largest online shopping event in Web3 and How can users leverage discounts and rewards during Black Friday shopping using cryptocurrencies?

[Hinie — Uquid]: From November 8, 2023, to November 30, 2023, you will have the chance to receive thousands of special cashback codes, discount vouchers, and deals up to 80% off. This is your opportunity to save and shop for products you’ve always desired.

During this event, we provide 5 promotional plans, as below:

Crazy Deals: from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC everyday, we offer a selection of digital products with the discount up to 80%. This is the limited-time opportunity, so grab your chance and save a lot.

Physical Products shopping: The categories include but are not limited to Hot deals today, trending Items, Hot Items, Men and women’s clothing, cellphones and telecommunications, etc with 160 million products on website at uquid.com

Special Cashback Codes

In this remarkable section, you’ll find a selection of 7 types of cashback vouchers, each offering 10% cashback when shopping with stable coins like $TUSD, $USDD, $VAI from Venus Protocol, $HIVE, $FLUX, $BDX from Beldex and $ARPA. But the excitement doesn’t stop there. The top 100 spenders will receive an extraordinary 20% cashback code for their next purchase.

Discount Vouchers

In this section, you’ll find a variety of discount vouchers offering different levels of savings, including 5% discount, 10% discount, $0.5 discount and $1 discount during checkout. These vouchers are available during specific time slots each day, from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC and 20:00 to 24:00 UTC

More Deals: for digital products including payment cards (prepaid credit cards), game cards, gift cards, top-up options, mobile recharge, software and eSIMs, all at significant discounts, all payable with cryptocurrencies

During the entire duration of this event, make sure to visit our Campaign Page. Explore various items, add your favorites to your cart, select your preferred discount plan, and claim it during the checkout process. Stay tuned to our social media channels and our partners’ main channels for a stream of communication throughout these exciting three weeks.

[Hannah — Uquid]: I think it’s enough information for this question. And, I will move to the next one.

After the DApp listing partnership announcement, Black Friday marks the first collaborative activity between Uquid and Relation to strategize for users in e-commerce. Already seen the banner to promote about the Black Friday. What is your next plan to maximize users’ savings during their online journey,?

[Kurt — Relation Labs]: Thanks Hannah for this question so yeah we just pushed our Banner on our website so our user can see the Black Friday campaign more easily I guess, and for the next plan to be direct I think there are two aspects:
One is for the web three users and second for the I think the potential users from web3 or other projects right so on the one hand the direct incentive can be the 80% discount offered by Uquid, we are also wondering like list our NFTs on the Uquid so users can buy it in a discount and I do think this can be discussed later

I just posted some links of our project relation in the comment so if you are interested you can check there other than this I think it’s kind of seeable incentives. The next part might be more interesting and exciting as we will launch our new product relation account,it’s kind of account extraction product which means you can create an smart contract wallet or any you know um crypto wallet required so in the context of our AA, any users can create a totally onchain wallet through their Twitter Discord or even Google account and email which means all almost all Web2 users can have their own Web3 wallet and do the e-commerce directly

We are doing social or web social but we do think that social cannot be only limited to web3 right everyone doing social and your daily life although the we through social is more like decentralized or something else but it’s still the kind of parallel way of Web2 Social. So we do think that the users outside of the crypto can also join in the e-commerce shopping because crypto shopping platform like Uquid or can offer some digital or crypto commercials that cannot be easily achieved

By you know on Amazon or Juliet or something else so that’s one point and also except for you know in traditional way, you need to buy the e-commercial Goods VI crypto things or stable coin that supported by ID but in our relation account you can just purchase things by credit card so which means we break the wall between the Fiat and crypto.

So that’s another point we like to save money for especially for the US users outside of the web three system right so this another point and for the outside users we do offer education and the Loyalty Rewards in the form of our token it’s more like a redentials of achievements on chain so I think these kind of incentives can be used to attract no matter old or new users to finish their purchase action step by step so that’s our strategy.

[Hannah — Uquid]: Just a quick reminder that we’ll have a live section in the next 5 minutes. I’ll randomly pick some questions. This is your chance to raise your concerns and get answers from our speakers. The winners of today’s AMA will be those who have their questions picked. They will receive a discount code up 30% to save money when buying during the Black Friday event.

You’ve talked much about social and the community, loyalty rewards to keep them more engage in the platform. THis is related to our next two questions, talking about

The Role of Communities in Web 3 Shopping: The role of online communities in the context of Web 3 shopping was explored. These communities can help foster trust and provide a network for users to share their experiences and recommendations.

As the high-performance public blockchain and distributed collaboration platform, what is your plan to engage more users using ONT token as their payment gateway?

[Claire — Ontology]: Thank you for bringing this up. Yes, I think it’s a vital aspect of the web3 ecosystem. The role of online communities in web3, especially in shopping, cannot be overstated. In fact, we recently started a new strategy for engaging our community, which we launched in collaboration with the UK team last month.

This campaign was supported by the UK team. We showcased both platforms, explaining in detail over about three to four weeks how this partnership and collaboration worked and the benefits from both sides. This campaign alone is a really interesting use case for this question. It clearly shows how the community engaged. We learned a lot from this campaign, primarily about continuing to educate our users and highlighting the importance of collaboration in this space.

I think we successfully filled any knowledge gaps that either user base might have had. However, I’m conscious of time, so I’ll keep it brief. We plan to focus more heavily on marketing and education. We’re planning to engage our users on how to use the O token as a payment gateway. This will involve more targeted marketing campaigns and more strategic partnerships. The UK campaign serves as a great use case for this approach.

Since Ontology’s inception six years ago, and as we approach our anniversary at the end of the month, we’ve always believed in the power of community. We have a loyalty program all based around actions on the platform, like creating a wallet, staking, all centered around education as well. This is key for our educational push.

On our community call last Friday, I even asked for feedback on creating educational content. We’re looking at creating quests centered around research and access to guides. It’s vital for us to understand what our users need to know, based on feedback from the broader community.

Everything I’ve mentioned has been curated to deepen the understanding of our Onto token or Onto wallet. Our strategy is really shaped by user feedback and market trends, aimed at increasing the appeal and adoption in the broader crypto sector. I look forward to seeing how the community plays a much larger role in evolving this landscape.

[Hannah — Uquid]: The one month activities with Ontology is the spotlight case study how we engaWe’re sure to have more events. MKT campaign with ONT and sure other partners in this year and next year

What is your strategic plan to educate users, persuade them to enhance their security and maximize their benefits when shopping online on Uquid Shop?

[Richard — Flux]: When shopping online, especially at new, quick stops, this issue becomes particularly important to me. I often see too many scams, and our Community is immediately responsive. They’re vocal about scams, especially those spread on platforms like Twitter. Community involvement is crucial, particularly in online shopping contexts, like with Uquid shop during Black Friday, where there’s a thriving ecosystem with people sharing deals.

“It’s important to shop safely on your browser. Make sure you’ve cleared your web cookies and sessions. Sometimes, you might accidentally click on something dangerous. Always follow links safely. It might not always be on Uquid, but the risk exists on other shopping sites too. This kind of risk is particularly prevalent at this time of the year. The key is to stay safe, and we’re committed to educating our users on these issues.

A couple of weeks ago, I conducted a comprehensive talk on Internet Security with some of our partners. This aligns with what Ontology is also emphasizing. Ensuring that our community has a feedback loop is essential, as many scams are first spotted on our Discord channel. This information then gets disseminated to the wider community, allowing us to shut down scams quickly. So, if you notice anything suspicious or out of place, please report it, and we’ll handle it.

Part 4: Live Questions

[Hannah — Uquid]: 3 questions from users — Discount voucher 30% / each

I’ll randomly pick 03 questions. Feel free to send a request and my teammate … will support me to set the speaking right.

This is your chance to raise your concerns and get answers from our speakers. The winners of today’s AMA will be those who have their questions picked. They will receive a discount code up 30% to save money when buying during the Black Friday event.

@SusoTheo30.000: What distinguishes Flux from centralized cloud storage services such as AWS & Google Cloud, and what unique advantages does it offer to users seeking a decentralized alternative?

[Richard — Flux]: Your question about centralization is important, especially since our infrastructure doesn’t rely on centralized data warehouses. Instead, a significant portion of our infrastructure actually resides on personal computers in people’s homes. This setup leverages their network, creating a distributed network.”

Our distributed network consists of approximately 12,000 to 30,000 nodes spread across the entire world. This wide distribution means that if one data center goes down, unlike AWS or Microsoft, our network remains operational. We have a redundancy system, ‘Rundy of three,’ which relies on the support from three different locations or homes. This approach effectively eliminates a single point of failure.

By using this decentralized model, we achieve both decentralization and redundancy simultaneously. Our network’s resilience doesn’t just stem from its scale but also from its inherent design that avoids central points of vulnerability. This structure provides us with a robust and reliable network, which is crucial in today’s digital landscape.

@bellyroker : How does the compatibility of Ontology’s Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) impact users conducting ONT token transactions on Uquid?

[Claire — Ontology]:

@Lucas_Krypto Discussing the strategic activities planned by Uquid and its partners for the current and upcoming festive seasons, focusing on boosting community engagement in shopping online.

[Hinie — Uquid]:Black Friday presents opportunities for Uquid and all partners as we collaborate to offer special deals for the community. It doesn’t stop there. Throughout the campaign, users can participate in mini-games published on our social media.

Looking ahead, from now until the end of 2023, we have nearly five major events and other mini-games with partners to celebrate the Christmas and New Year holiday. This festive season provides a fantastic chance to offer great deals for shopping and payments.

All events will focus on the shopping experience with many vouchers and rewards.

For new products, we offer PayPal Top-Up, available internationally! Now users can seamlessly convert crypto to fiat and recharge your Paypal account with any cryptocurrency via Uquid Payment system.

Part 5: Conclusion

The AMA session provided valuable insights into the convergence of blockchain technology and e-commerce, particularly in the context of the upcoming Black Friday event. Representatives from Uquid, Ontology, Flux, Fox Wallet, and Relation Labs shared their perspectives on how cryptocurrencies are revolutionizing the online shopping experience. Key topics included the importance of security, the role of DeFi in online shopping, and the potential of Web3 in enhancing customer experiences.

Follow the social media channels of all 20 partners involved in this Black Friday event. This will ensure you are up-to-date with the latest offers, deals, and announcements.

Telegram: https://t.me/uquidcoinofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/uquidcard

Facebook: https://facebook.com/uquidcard

Medium: https://medium.com/@uquidcoin

Blog: https://shop.uquid.com/blog

Website (Digital product): https://shop.uquid.com

Website (Physical product): https://uquid.com

Website (General): https://uquidcoin.com

Website (NFT): https://nft.uquid.com




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