Saved by Crypto in the Canadian Wilderness: My Alpha Mobile Top Up Story

2 min readApr 25, 2024


Let me tell you about the time a little crypto know-how saved our weekend getaway. Me and my three best friends planned a guys’ trip to a remote cabin nestled deep in the Canadian wilderness. Fishing, campfires, and disconnecting from the daily grind — it was supposed to be an epic escape.

There was just one tiny detail we overlooked: mobile service. None of us had a signal in that neck of the woods. Now, disconnecting is great in theory, but the reality of being completely unreachable in case of emergencies wasn’t ideal.

Thankfully, one of the guys, a crypto enthusiast named Ben, came to the rescue. He whipped out his phone and, in minutes, solved the problem with something called Alpha Mobile Top Up. Apparently, it’s an DApp on Binance Marketplace that lets you top up mobile phones using cryptocurrency — talk about convenient!

Here’s how it went down:

  1. Ben went to Alpha Mobile Top Up app on Binance (apparently it’s super easy to find).
  2. We grabbed a burner phone from a nearby gas station.
  3. Using the app, Ben topped up the phone with Uquid, his crypto of choice. (How To Top Up Mobile with crypto? This DApp made it surprisingly simple!)
  4. 5 Seconds Later! We had a single lifeline to the outside world, all thanks to Alpha Mobile Top Up.

Thankfully, we didn’t have any emergencies during the trip. But having that burner phone with a little credit gave us immense peace of mind. We could have contacted park rangers if needed, or even called for help if someone got hurt.

Lesson learned? A little planning and some innovative tools like Alpha Mobile Top Up can go a long way, even on the most remote adventures. Now, whenever we plan a trip to areas with spotty cell service, we know exactly how to top up mobile phones with crypto — thanks, Ben!

So, if you’re planning a trip to the wilderness or anywhere with unreliable cell service, ditch the worry and embrace the convenience of mobile top up by crypto. Download Alpha Mobile Top Up and explore with peace of mind!




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